As a theatre company for young people one of our priorities is to nurture and develop emerging talent in Wales. We began working with a group of Young Associates in January 2021 and many of the young people involved were introduced to us through open auditions or they reached out to us with an interest in work experience / shadowing. The interests of the Young Associates range from acting, writing, directing and design. It is an informal group for young people to network and a creative space to collaborate, share ideas and opportunities, receive advice as well as to arrange workshops, read-throughs and Research and Development projects.
So far we’ve had writing workshops, voice sessions, readthroughs of new scripts and a performance session of Shakespeare’s speeches and sonnets. We also invite our Creative Associates to collaborate with the group and to offer industry advice.

"During the Covid-19 pandemic, I’ve cherished the opportunities given to me by Theatr na nÓg as one of their Young Associates. Alongside the various workshops that I have been able to attend, as well as the support provided by Theatr na nÓg, it has been wonderful to be able to meet such great people that are involved with Theatr na nÓg, and to be a part of such a brilliant company."
Siôn Rhys

"I am deeply grateful to that of Theatr na nÓg. In January, I became a Young Associate and since then have been fortunate enough to attend online sessions with na nÓg, developing both my acting and writing skills. I love the fact that we, as associates, can give an idea and they will work hard to make this a reality.
Having written a play, it was eagerly suggested I get it read aloud in an R&D session involving all associates. This was very helpful as I was able to see, for myself, what I needed to develop and what worked within the play etc.
A feedback session was also conducted, focussing on my play, which was great, as I gained feedback from actors and writers. I am continuing to develop as a result of Theatr na nÓg’s sessions and nurturing – they have really given me the confidence boost and kick I need to write more.
After all, creating theatre is so important, especially during such uncertain times for creatives. I have so many ideas for both Welsh and English productions, whereby the company shows such support and enthusiasm, all of which can make my ideas happen. I continue to feed from their positivity and cannot wait to start developing work, in person, in a rehearsal space in the near future."
Kristia Nadine