In partnership with Swansea Museum, National Waterfront Museum and Technocamps
Lina dreams of singing at La Scala.
Then in the summer of 1940, Italy enters the war and Italian families living in Wales, are torn apart as men are taken from their homes and branded enemy aliens.
Lina watches in horror as her father is dragged from their little cafe in Swansea and imprisoned.
Forced out of their home by people they knew as friends, Lina and her mother face an uncertain and lonely future.
On the 2nd of July, 1940, news arrives that The Arandora Star, a ship carrying the imprisoned Italian men, is mistaken for a troopship and torpedoed by a German U-boat off the coast of Ireland. 446 Italian men's lives are lost.
There is no news of Lina's father, whether he survived or drowned.
In her new home, far away from Swansea, Lina clings to the dream of her family's reunion one day.
Our play tells the emotional story of Lina as she struggles with the loss of her father, Guido and how she and her mother Carmela try to survive in a time of war and prejudice.
The Arandora Star is based on a true story that explores the life of Italians living and working in Wales during World War 2. We follow Lina's quest for her father and the truth behind his fate.
This play highlights the issues of immigration and integration.
Perfect for Year 5 upwards

For the first time in 30 years, we have produced our award-winning theatre project not live, but streamed via radio into the classrooms of Welsh schools.
2020 saw the 80th anniversary of the sinking of the Arandora Star. This poignant play tells the story of one Welsh Italian family whose family is torn apart by the prejudices experienced during the Second World War.
Both Welsh and English language performances of the Arandora Star are available now.
Available in Welsh and English, the play comes with a wealth of lesson plans and resources linked to the new curriculum, perfect for year 5 upwards to create a whole term’s project about an important part of Welsh history.
There are also virtual workshops with our project partners Swansea Museum and The National Waterfront Museum.
Created by teachers, the cross-curriculum lesson plans and resources focus on literacy and numeracy as well as the themes of the show; Global citizenships, WW11, immigration and language.
The stage play of The Arandora Star was performed live at the Dylan Thomas Theatre, Swansea in Spring 2022.
These videos are provided free of charge, however Theatr na nÓg is a registered charity and donations are welcomed to ensure that we can continue to create content and productions for all ages to enjoy.
Ways to donate and full terms and conditions can be found here