Written by Geinor Styles with music and lyrics by Amy Wadge

An award-winning musical about chasing storms and changing the world

Click here for full booking information for Primary Schools

Click here for full booking information for Secondary Schools

Meet Emmie Price. 

For the last 5 years her life has been a whirlwind. It’s a world torn between caring for her bipolar mum, pursuing a passion for tornados, and proving she’s got what it takes at school. But Emmie knows one day that’s all going to change. One day she’s going to become a storm chaser… in America.

When an opportunity to get a bursary to study in the USA comes up can she keep her place on the course and win the STEM competition with her invention for renewable energy?

Set in the Welsh Valleys to a toe-tapping soundtrack steeped in Americana from Grammy Award winner Amy Wadge (Thinkin’ Out Loud with Ed Sheeran, Keeping Faith) and performed live on stage by a cast of 8 talented actor musicians. 


Perfect for Years 5 & Up

Multi-award winning Theatr na nÓg’s new show introduces your children to themes such as:

  • Renewable energy and the climate crisis

  • Young carers and their responsibilities

With links to all Areas of Learning and Experience

Be a part of our Autumn project and one of the many schools we work with to support the delivery of the Curriculum for Wales in a creative and fun way. This is our 36th year creating unique, high quality theatre for schools, currently in partnership with Swansea Museum, the National Waterfront Museum and Technocamps. Developing and supporting young people to be ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the World.

Best Show for Children and Young People - Wales Theatre Awards 2018


Primary schools:

Performances in Welsh: 17th-26th September 2025

Performances in English: 2nd-24th October 2025

A whole day of activities (available Tuesday-Friday):

  • A performance of the play Eye of the Storm at the Dylan Thomas Theatre (at 10am or 1pm)
  • A Q&A with the cast
  • Free workshops at Swansea Museum and the National Waterfront Museum
  • Free online resources linked to the themes of the show
  • Optional workshops with Technocamps back in school


We strive to make our shows as accessible as possible. We provide a visual and social story for the show for pupils who may have ALN or anxieties around attending. Please let us know of any access requirements as soon as possible, and we will do our best to accommodate them. We can offer touch tours, audio described and BSL interpreted performances by arrangement.

Secondary schools:

Performances in Welsh: 17th-26th September 2025

Performances in English: 2nd-24th October 2025

Available on Mondays and other days at request:

  • A performance of the play 'Eye of the Storm' at the Dylan Thomas Theatre (at 10am or 1pm)
  • A Q&A with the cast
  • Free online resources


This show could be perfect for a wide range of pupils, from English to Welsh, Welsh Second-Language, Drama, Geography and Science.

How much does it cost?

Pupils: £12 each (inc VAT)

One free teacher for every ten pupils

Additional adults: £12 each

TAs for 1 to 1 support: Free

We receive funding from the Arts Council of Wales to heavily subsidise your visit. As part of this funding, we need to report back to our funders with feedback from participants.

To receive this subsidised cost, we ask for three things in return:

- Sign your booking agreement within 7 days of receipt

- Complete a simple feedback form after your visit

- Pay your invoice within 30 days of receipt.

Please note: Invoices will now be issued in advance of your trip at the start of the school year and payment is strictly within 30 days. Late payment will incur interest in line with HMRC guidance.

Teacher's Preview

17th September (in Welsh) and 1st October (in English) 2:30pm-4:30pm at the Dylan Thomas Theatre.

Your opportunity to:

- Preview the performance

- Hear about the planned activities at the museums

- Give us your feedback

We highly recommend one teacher from your school attends this to get the most out of your trip. If you are unable to attend, we can arrange a call with Sebastian, Creative Engagement Coordinator, to talk you through the day and resources.

2025 Cast to be announced

Geinor Styles
Director and Writer
Felicity Bulbulia
Stage Manager
Alison Palmer
Production Manager
Mike Beer
Sound designer
Carl Davies
Elanor Higgins
Lighting Designer
Amy Wadge
Music & Lyrics
Gwawr Loader
Barnaby Southgate
Musical Director & Arranger